Worthington United


Have Questions?

Please contact any of our knowledgeable staff, who are eager and ready to assist!

Title Name Email Special Topics
Club Director, Coaching Director Kevin Donovan director@worthingtonunited.org programming, policy, tryouts, financial aid, coaching, staff, field scheduling
Soccer Learning Academy Jeff Dybdahl academy@worthingtonunited.org learning academy, u8-u10 teams, goalkeeping
Player Development Rob Smith playerdevelopment@worthingtonunited.org player development, u15-u19 teams, camps
Fitness Bryan Troast fit2play@worthingtonunited.org health, fitness
Club Administration Chrissy Houghtaling admin@worthingtonunited.org registration, uniforms, carding, league fees, referee fees
U11-U14 Boys Age Group Coordinator Sean Ryan boys.u11to14@worthingtonunited.org u11-u14 boys teams
U11-U14 Girls Age Group Coordinator Myca James girls.u11to14@worthingtonunited.org u11-u14 girls teams
High School Director Brianna Dominach highschool@worthingtonunited.org u15-u19 teams
Tournament Coordinator Kim Goleb tournaments@worthingtonunited.org tournaments
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